Universal Time Link Advantage
Most people find time zone conversion & time zone differences confusing & even stressful. Uncertainty is a further worry because often the need for a time zone conversion is for something important. If you want to publish or post a time for something across the internet, Universal Time Link (UTL) gives everyone an advantage. Why? Because a Universal Time Link mandates that your global audience all get the time that you intend, in their own local time. So when you publish a UTL, not only are you ensuring that your audience use the UTL to get their local time, you are also providing them with the courtesy of ease.
Universal Time Link is the only unambiguous global clock available to the general public. And behind this world-clock is Enhanced Time Zone Intelligence (ETZI) that allows the UTTP Time protocol to exist as a clickable web link called: Universal Time Link.
Provided UTTP Time gains popularity, it will become the new international time standard, but how long it takes to catch on is the question. After receiving a Universal Time Link (UTL) no-one is going to want anyone’s local time again. If you are publishing a time for people all over the world, you could save so many the hassle of zone conversions by simply posting one Universal Time Link.
A UTL can be posted to Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Pinterest , Linkedin or email & can also be placed in Word processing & spreadsheet files. Sometimes, you may wish to refer to a specific moment in a Youtube video, or to insert a UTL into the video itself. You can also text or email a UTL from phone to phone. UTL is defined as being platform-independent. This means that, apart from the internet & your browser, a UTL needs no other plugins, firmware or framework to just work!
Someone once said, “these time zones are kinda confusing!” Indeed they are, because unfortunately our planet spins, & their purpose is to create 24 different hours that all represent 24 different locations that all actually mean the same moment. For the purpose of Common Time Association, time zones give meaning to a time. For example 9:56am represents the same part of the day to everyone globally. So 9:56am is not a momentary time, but is an associative time that gives a Common Time Association to everyone.
The UTTP Time Protocol is a mathematical tokenized time code and does not have Common Time Association. Why? For one thing, the UTTP Time Protocol produces a global time zone, & to have a global time, there must be a single global clock. The Universal Time Zone (UTZ) produced by the UTTP time protocol, is a silent time zone, and is not actually meant to be seen or recognized by people. This is because this silent time zone is for purely functional reasons.
The Advantage of Universal Time Link is Significant
The UTTP Universal World Time protocol sits in the background, almost in secret, but is generated, sent & received by people via the UTTP Timulator where it is either encoded or decoded. The entire design of the UTTP system is to give the world a non-destructive global time zone. This just means that we have found a way to unify time via a global time zone & single clock, without requiring anyone to abandon the standard clock & the time zones that they are all used to. The UTTP system also allows a time token to be packaged into a web link, to be made clickable.
In this way, time is business as usual around the world, and when you do publish a Universal Time Link to the world, the UTTP time protocol and ETZI mechanism does the work for you. When you do this, you will submit a local time to the UTTP global time zone, which is packaged & sent via your chosen platform (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Email etc) as a Universal Time Link. So, your submitted time to people is encoded in the global time zone until it is clicked & decoded back to the intended local time of the recipient. The advantage of Universal Time Link is undeniable. You send the time & everyone receives it, without mistakes.